Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Return of The Mulatto List: 30-21

I'm sorry for the long delay between posts, but I've been really busy for the first time in like a year. Well let's get right to it.

30. Jayson Williams
Jayson Williams is the former NBA All-Star Center for the New Jersey Nets. I had no idea that he was a Mulatto, but I looked it up and it is true. He was a pretty good player and was a pretty funny guy in interviews and TV appearances. All in all, a really likable guy as well as talented. The only reason that he is this low on the list is because he accidentally killed his limo driver with a shotgun. Williams avoided jail time after a jury ruled that the shooting was caused by the shotgun misfiring due to a factory defect.

29. Eartha Kitt
This lady played the Catwoman on the 1960's Batman TV show. Orson Welles once called Eartha Kitt "The most exciting woman in the world." That's kind of broad. It could mean just about anything, but I'm going to assume that it meant that he wanted to have sex with her. It's kind of a bummer that Halle Berry took the Catwoman character and turned it into quite possibly the worst movie ever made. I'm not losing much sleep over it 'cause hey, it's Halle Berrry in leather.

28. Thandie Newton
I really haven't got a whole lot to say about Ms. Newton. I know she's British and that she may have had an eating disorder. That's about it. She made this list purely off of being super hot in "Mission Impossible 2".

27. Devon Ellis
Who is Devon Ellis, you ask? Haha, Devon Ellis is a strong Mulatto that would rank higher on this list if he was actually a celebrity. He is my roommate, good friend, fellow Mulatto, and probably the most prolific drinker I've ever known. He loves America, as you can see by his head wear, and he is all man. His DVD collection is strong and admirable, featuring many legendary movies like "Ghost Dad" and "The Pest" starring John Leguizamo. His collection is the only one that rivals mine. He introduced me to Boston Market microwavable beef sirloin and noodles, which is the greatest microwavable food ever. That was more than enough to earn him a spot on this list.

26. James Blake
James Blake is kinda cool. He's an American pro tennis player. I don't follow tennis that much, but James Blake just seems cool to me. However, when I do follow tennis, it always seems like he is losing. This is why he only ranks 26 on the list despite me thinking he's pretty cool.

25. Me
I am the 25th Mulatto on the list. Do you really need an explanation? I mean look at the picture. It takes a man to pull those shorts off. I am also the author of this blog, which probably has a whopping 20-25 readers. I also did a couple of awesome things in my 22 years, like the time I dug a hole at the beach, laid in it, covered myself with a towel and bread, and then caught a seagull in my arms. It was beyond badass. I also played the role of Rufus in the 2005 independent film "Love on The Rocks".

24. Tony Gonzalez

Tony Gonzalez is the tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs. He is arguably the greatest tight end of all time. He really should be higher on this list, but he pisses me off due the fact that he is Puerto Rican and cannot speak Spanish. A damn shame, especially since the NFL could use a legit Latino ambassador. Whatever, they have those NFL Latino commercials now.

23. John Amaechi
John Amaechi might be the most courageous Mulatto on this list. He used to play center for several NBA teams. The 7-foot Brit recently came out of the closet as a homosexual and has provided tons of insight into the discussion of homosexuality in sports. If you ever get a chance to check out one of his post-coming out interviews, please do. Like I said before, he's got a lot to say. I know homophobia is an awful thing, and I do not condone it. However, when Amaechi came out of the closet, Tim Hardaway left us with this idiotic rant that I can't help but laugh at:

22. Maya Rudolph
Maya Rudolph is, in my opinion, is one of the funniest women in the world. Her mother was Minnie Riperton, the black soul singer who performed "Lovin' You". Her father was a Jewish producer. I'm not making this up. If you don't agree that she is hilarious, then watch this Destiny's child parody:

21. Ben Harper
I really don't like Ben Harper's music. I really don't like Ben Harper's wife, actress Laura Dern. She isn't attractive and she annoyed the shit out of me in "Jurassic Park". So why does he have such a decent spot on my list? I saw him on time on Haight St. and he looked kind of cool and I was surprised that I could recognize a celebrity that I don't really know much about. I guess Ben Harper is alright with me.

Well that's all for today. I promise that I will deliver the final 20 spots on the countdown, as well as other goodies, by the end of the work week. Take care of yourselves and be don't be afraid to get interracial and add fuel to the Mulatto fire.

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