Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween To All My Witches and My [Grave] Diggas!

Awwww man. Awww fuck man. It's so on. Halloween is the tits. I fucking love Halloween. Halloween has always been one of my favorite days of the year throughout my entire life. It has always offered me something awesome at every stage of my life. During my childhood I went trick or treating like everyone else. In High School, me and my buddies would just hop in our cars and throw eggs at trick or treaters that looked too old to be trolling for candy. I'll bet you're thinking something like "what an asshole!" Well fuck you. That shit was fun, don't knock it till you've tried it. In college, I would just get hammered on Halloween and enjoy all of the wonderful, sexy outfits college girls like wearing on Halloween. That's the coolest thing about Halloween once you get to college, girls just wear shit that they would never wear otherwise.

Unfortunately, I'm done with college now...wait. Why the fuck is this unfortunate? I'm still gonna get trashed tonight, and I won't have any class tomorrow. This is tremendous! I intend on drinking something festive, but maybe a little ghoulish as well. Maybe some champagne with like a fake severed finger in the glass. Ah fuck that's a stupid idea. I have this sweet Halloween glass that I bought last year. It's like a skull at the bottom, the shit is cool. I can just drink any kind of booze out of that and be festive and ghoulish. Yea that's a much better idea. In any case, I'm going to have a great time. What's that? You want to know what I'm going to be for Halloween? Oh, I can't share that with you yet. If anything exceptional happens tomorrow night, there will surely be a follow up post where I will fill you all in as well as tell you what I am dressing up as. I'm not to big on it, I don't think it's that creative or well done. Well at least it will be better than this guy's costume:

Seriously dude? C'mon man, everyone knows that Frankenstein is green, not black. He certainly doesn't wear Greg Oden's Ohio State jers...oh shit. That is actually Greg Oden. He really looks like that? That's fucked up man. My bad.

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