Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I Know More Stuff Than Stephen Hawking

I am sorry that I haven't posted in over 2 weeks, but I've been studying a lot. I haven't been studying for my summer school classes or anything like that, I've been studying for a mental challenge. I am preparing to challenge Stephen Hawking to a trivia showdown. For those of you who don't know, Stephen Hawking is this old British guy in a wheelchair who discovered all kinds of shit about black holes. Here's a picture:
He knows a shitload of stuff about outerspace, but I can take him. Whenever I tell people that I'm going to challenge him, they all say shit like "How are you going to beat Stephen Hawking? He's the smartest person man in the world?" or "But Julien, you're a Sociology major, you don't know shit." Yeah, Yeah, I know already. While I may be a huge underdog, many people fail to realize that Stephen Hawking probably doesn't know a whole lot about non-sciency shit. Outerspace and Physics will only be a portion of the trivia. Do you think Stephen Hawking knows anything about sports, pop culture, cooking, or just how to live, period. I would kick his ass in all categories that don't have to do with science, or books that aren't "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, I fucking love that book. Do you think Hawking could build tell someone how to make a beer bong like the one pictured below?
FUCK NO. I Win. The categories would include: Sports, Movies, Food, Beer, Black Holes, Science, Music, College Mascots, Sociology, World History, Dinosaurs, and Women. I figure that these are all fair categories becuase they are things that me and Stephen both like. If he doesn't like any of them, he can fuck himself, if he's a genius, he should be able to figure shit out. I will win this thing. I still need to come up with a prize for the winner, but I'd be just fine with being recognized as the guy who is smarter than Stephen Hawking. People will come up to me and be like "Julien, you're so smart that it makes me cry when I read books because I'll never be like you no matter how much I read." I would like that.

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