Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bikes Are For Wusses

Since the age of 11, I've hated bicycles. Even when I enjoyed bikes, I was never enamored with the whole idea. I started to detest bikes as I got older because my bike was stolen, so I had to use my little brother's bike. In my neighborhood there were all of these huge ramp-like bumps on the sidewalks that were either from the earthquakes (I'm from L.A.) or tree roots that fucked up the sidewalk. Kids who were skilled with their bikes would always use these bumps as ramps and shit.

Due to the fact that I lacked bike skills and a bike that was more size appropriate, I used to eat shit whenever I'd ride over one of those bumps. I would stand up on the pedals as if I was about to do something sweet but I was never able to get that front tire up and I would hit the bump and go head over handlebars onto the pavement. One day I just got tired of the bullshit and began to hate bikes and any asshole that was older than 14 that would ride one.

Throughout the years I've had more than enough fuel to keep my bike hatred burning strong. Lance Armstrong and the Tour de France were huge sources of inspiration. I was kind of sad when Lance retired because I needed a poster-boy for shitty bike-riders nationwide.

San Francisco has a large population of bike riding dickweeds that have collectively filled the void left by Lance Armstrong. Driving in San Francisco is already a pain in the ass due to lack of parking, hills, and traffic. The people that ride bikes in this town just make things that much more difficult. These fuckers will take up a whole lane at times and then be pissed when you pass them. These people should have to ride on the sidewalk if they are too slow and can't keep up with the flow of traffic. They act like they are driving cars, yet they refuse to stop at stop signs. Next time I'm at a four way stop and one of those bike pedaling hippies doesn't stop, this is what's going down:

That's fucking right! Obey traffic laws, bow down to the superiority of automobiles and get on the fucking sidewalk or...die!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I echo your thoughts. Today, we have this stupid hippy protest going on called "Critical Mass" Basically a bunch of fucking hippies on bikes trying to tell the rest of us motorists that we should be kind to the environment and ride bikes everywhere we go.

I like the pics, I mooched em for my blog posting on Critical Mass
