Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I Am Photogenic

So I was just glancing over my pictures on facebook (yes I look at pictures of myself, you fuckers do it too) and I realized that I do not look my best in photographs. After a few minutes I saw a recurring theme in a lot of these less than flattering photos, and that theme is drunkenness happiness. Here are some of my finest moments in front of a digital camera:

This is me at one of my local bars in San Francisco. I am clearly hammered and it looks like I am being spanked by the bartender. Her name is Jenny.
This picture was taken on the same night as the previous photo. I am making a really creepy molester face that I cannot explain or defend. That shit is not cool.
This is just bad. I am clearly passing out. If you want an explanation, look no further than the bottle in my hand. That's right, Cisco. What's that? You've never heard of Cisco? Well read this and decide if you're ready to have a bottle or two.
This is a picture of me on New Year's Eve. I know what you're thinking..."Is that the black kid from "Angels In The Outfield?" Well I wasn't going to drop names, but yea that's the great American actor Milton Davis, or "JP" from "Angels In The Outfield". I am a hot mess in this photo. I've got the red face as well as the disheveled look going on. I believe there was champagne in that cup.
This picture was in Las Vegas. I know what it looks like, but that guy is not a sex worker, he is my good friend. Do you think cute Filipino boys just grow on trees in Vegas? OK that was a weird joke...withdrawn. Well anyway, we were loaded and wanted to take a funny picture. I think we succeeded.

Well that wraps up my display of drunken memories. Feel free to send me your own drunk pics and I'll do a post on all the pictures you guys send in.

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