Friday, May 25, 2007

No, You Can't Fucking Play! Wait Your Fucking Turn!

You know what drives me up the fucking wall? I'll tell you. It really chaps my ass when I'm at a bar playing pool or waiting to play and a drunk girl or two stumble in and say, "Heyyyy can we play?" Well yes you can play, after you wait your fucking turn. Why is it that this kind of drunk girl can't understand that other people are waiting to play? Last night I watched this happen and it was killing me. I've seen it way too many times. Whenever someone tells them that they can't play, they always get all whiny and ask if they can shoot for you.

Last night some dude allowed the drunk girl to play for him. I wanted to beat the shit out of this guy for 3 reasons: #1 you don't let stupid drunk girls fuck up the line and piss off those who are waiting. It's inconsiderate. #2 You can't let her play or cut even if you are flirting with her because it only encourages this kind of behavior, plus you're not going to get any tang from her because you let her play pool. #3 This girl was ass ugly and this dude was just douchy in general. This also reminds me of all the girls who wanted free keg cups for beer at parties that me and my roommates used to throw. Random girls who I didn't know would always ask for a free cup. I would tell them shit like "Why the fuck would I give you a free cup? I don't even know you. I just charged my Mom for a keg cup, so you can forget about a free one." Some people just don't understand.

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