Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So I Like Rick Astley. What of it?

Rick Astley is a badass. Rick Astley sings badass songs like "Never Gonna Give You Up" and "Together Forever". Oh, you haven't heard any of his songs? Well here's the video for "Never Gonna Give You Up".

Oh what's that? That video was gay? No, no it was not. OK so that one effeminate black bartender was a bit iffy, but that song is fucking tremendous. I mean, they did their best to make Rick Astley look like a pussy in this video but to no avail, his manful power comes through in his voice. His manfulness also shows in his lack of dancing skills. He does the same goofy move throughout the entire video. Am I saying that it is unmanly to be able to dance well? Not at all. I am saying that it can be unmanly for a white guy to dance too well and as you can see, Rick does not have this problem. Fuck the dancing, the song is badass and I have little respect for any so-called man who can't appreciate the musical styling of Rick Astley. Anyways, all I'm trying to say is that I love Rick Astley's music. I sing the shit out of his songs when I do karaoke. Fuck songs like "Don't Stop Believing" and "Paradise City", Rick Astley is what's up at the karaoke bars. He has a powerful voice that one would never expect to come from a white Brit, this makes Rick legendary in my book.

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