Thursday, May 31, 2007

R. Kelly Is On Fire

As you should know by know if you follow this blog at all, R. Kelly's new album "Double Up" was released on Tuesday. R. Kelly has taken the youtube route to promote this album. Here is a commercial for the album.
Is it just me or did he forget about "Piss on You"? You would think that such a powerful commercial, coupled with the lead single "I'm A Flirt" would be more than enough promotion for the album. Think again. Robert Sylvester Kelly is also posting short videos of himself doing regular things like eating cookies. That wasn't a joke, he actually posted a video of himself eating a cookie and talking about how good it is. See for yourself:
You have got to be fucking with me. What the fuck was that? How is this supposed to make people excited about the album? He has to know something we don't because I refuse to believe that he can be that stupid naturally. I just won't accept that.

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