Thursday, October 4, 2007

NEWSFLASH!!! Japan Still Kicks Ass!

Wow, that's fucking cool. Given the high volume of amazing youtube videos that come from Japan, you would think that they just think up shit that they know will entertain Americans for hours. I'd like to know if it is even possible for anyone to successfully ride across the lake. I don't think Lance Armstrong could make it across, but he's half the man I am. Who gives a shit if he won the Tour De France like 100 times, he only has one testicle.

I got this video from WithLeather. It's an amazing sports blog written by legendary stud and extraordinary blogger, Matt Ufford. High quality shit.


Anonymous said...

hahaha ya fuck lance armstrong who wants to ride a bike in france any ways?? not i!

Anonymous said...

oooh... low blow at lance armstrong. you're definately goin to hell.