Tuesday, March 6, 2007

George Shinn is a chameleon, lemon-headed, coward, terrorist pussy!

OK, so I was wasting hours of my time combing the the internet looking for stupid shit like videos of people getting hit in the balls and animals attacking people and I cam across this gem of a clip. This appears to be some guy complaining to his city council about former Charlotte Hornets owner, George Shinn, and a "rogue helicopter pilot". Check this shit out:
That guy is fucking crazy. I once knew an old man named Erasmus Fidletooth who was just as crazy. I used to see Erasmus at the park as a kid. Like any old man he liked to offer the kids sweets while telling us stories that taught us valuable life lessons. The only thing is that he didn't have Werther's Originals like most old men. All he had was that nasty shit from inside of pumpkins packaged in ziploc sandwich bags. But at least his stories and life lessons were good. Actually, they weren't anecdotal stories at all, he just retold episodes of "Family Matters" and changed the names. Man that old guy was fucking useless.

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