Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Man of The Week: Joe Rogan

This is the first of probably many "Man of The Week" awards for Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan oozes awesomeness. Most people know Mr. Rogan as the host of "Fear Factor" or "The Man Show". He is much more than that. Rogan is an accomplished martial artist and stand-up comedian. Rogan has also made waves by accusing shitty comedians and weak men, Dane Cook and Carlos Mencia, of stealing material from other stand ups. Here is a clip that shatters any doubt regarding Mencia's joke theft:

Carlos Mencia Stealing Jokes From Cosby - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!
Cheers to Joe Rogan, our man of the week!

P.S.- Check out that boob in the pic! Way to go Joe!

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