Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tony La Russa Is A Lightweight

St. Louis Cardinals Manager, Tony La Russa is a drunk. Here's the scoop from
JUPITER, Fla. -- St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa was arrested Thursday on a drunken driving charge after police said they found him asleep inside his running sport utility vehicle at a stop light.

La Russa gave two breath samples and had a blood alcohol content of 0.093 percent, Jupiter police said in a statement. Florida's legal driving limit is 0.08 percent.

Undercover officers saw La Russa's SUV sitting partially in an intersection around midnight and not moving despite two green lights, police said. Officers knocked on the window and La Russa did not initially respond.

The SUV was in drive and running, with La Russa's foot on the brake, police said. When he woke up, the officers asked him to get out of the SUV. La Russa was cooperative during his arrest, police said.

Getting a DUI is one thing, but getting caught because you passed out at an intersection is a whole 'nother bag of dicks. It just seems like such a weak way to go down over just a .093 BAC. So lackluster. Imagine the scene in "The Matrix", where Neo and Trinity ruin everyone in the lobby of that building when they are saving Morpheus. Tony La Russa falling asleep at the wheel is like Neo abandoning the rescue mission to run across the street to Burger King because he really wanted to try the new "Chicken Fries". Overall I think this is a great start for The Cardinals' defense of the World Series.

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