Thursday, March 1, 2007

Van Dammage!

Do you like Jean Claude Van Damme? Oh you do? I know he's awesome, me too. Well here's some sweet Van Damme clips from movies and from his real life. Here's the first clip.

That one is from that movie "Bloodsport". I miss Mentos commercials. They were so ridiculous. I remember this one where this dude was on a date with a smoking hot girl and they're eating at this really classy place. Then the dude just grabbed the chick's boob and she made an angry face like "hey don't do that" and he just pulled out the roll of Mentos and it was all good. The commercial ends with them making out on the table because the chick was so impressed by the fact that the dude carries Mentos around with him. Here's another Van Damme clip from the movie "Kickboxer". In this one, JCVD shows off his dancing skills.

Van Damme was all drunk and acting sweet in that last clip. I think Van Damme hates Asians in real life. Just a hunch, don't ask me to defend my hunch with facts or anything, I just really get the feeling that he doesn't like Asian people. Alright, this last clip is from Van Damme on some shitty European TV show. I'm not sure what country it's from because Europe is all the same to me anyway except for Italy and Spain. I can't believe he couldn't contain his boner. He just totally gave himself away and the host dude totally called him out. If I was JCVD, I would have kicked that guy's ass. Only thing is, I don't think Van Damme can kick that much ass anymore. Look at how coked out he looks. It's sad. At least his junk still works even though he does a lot of coke. He could have ended up like Mark Wahlberg in "Boogie Nights" when he wants to get a boner but he can't. Van Damme is still a badass in my book.

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