Monday, March 19, 2007

Tennis Is Sooo Hot Right Now!

Last Monday, I went to the Pacific Life Open Tennis tournament with my Dad and Brother. The tournament was in Indian Wells, which is part of Palm Springs. For those of you who don't know anything about Palm Springs, it's in the middle of the fucking desert. It was really fucking hot there. It's about a two hour drive from L.A. (if you drive the speed limit).

Well anyway, I went to this thing because my Dad is way into tennis and it seemed like fun anyway. I also figured that it would get so hot that chicks would take off their tops, but no dice. Tennis tournaments are pretty cool because there are tons of matches going on at a time and you can just walk around and watch any match you want. There are also practice courts where you can watch the players practicing. It was pretty cool because we saw the #2 player in the world, Rafael Nadal practice for a while. That guy is a badass. There was a lot of funny shit that I saw at this tournament that had little to do with tennis. The crowd at this thing was pretty funny. There was some nice off court talent, if you catch my drift. Some of the women were highly attractive, some not a as much. Over-tanned, 45 year old plus, white women were in abundance here. You know which ones I'm talking about. The ladies who look to years older than they actually are and have leathery skin from the insane amount to UV rays they've been exposed to. They reminded me of those commercials from way back with the singing and dancing raisins.

As far as tennis goes, there were some funny moments. When you're in the crowd at a tennis match, you can't do shit. You just have to be quiet. It's lame. I don't get it. It's not like tennis requires so much more concentration than other sports. This one douchy player was about to serve and noticed a fan that got up and moved to another seat. The player stopped his serve and stared at the dude until he sat down. It was ridiculous. You're getting paid to play tennis, just deal with some fucking ambient noise. You should be glad that people aren't calling you all kinds of names like "cock-sucker" or "pussy-face". Can you imagine the shit that Barry Bonds hears on the road? Yet, this wuss tennis player thinks that he is being disrespected by a fan who wants to switch seats. Lame.

We watched a couple of matches at the main court. We saw Andy Roddick serve some guy from a country that I can't remember right now. After that Roddick match we watched James Blake totally let down his country and lose to a Frenchman. I was pissed. The crowd was really rooting for Blake, which was crazy to me because I haven't seen so many old-white people rooting for a black guy since Karl Malone played for the Utah Jazz. All in all, it was a pretty cool day and a fine experience.

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