Thursday, April 5, 2007

Billy Packer Won't Back Down or "Fag Out"

I wasn't going to post on this story, but it's become such a big deal that I kind of have to at this point. Shitty sports announcer, Billy Packer was on Charlie Rose's PBS show and dropped a less than PC bomb. Here's the clip. Disregard the shitty Jimmy Kimmel joke at the end. This was the only footage of the Packer incident that I could find. Man I hate Jimmy Kimmel.
So the reason I am finally posting on this is because Billy Packer isn't apologizing on the grounds that "Fag out" was said in a context that has nothing to do with homosexuality.

"Fagging" is a reference to a junior boy who acted as servant to a senior boy at a British independent school. “Fag” came to mean a tedious or labour-intensive chore, and “fagged out” to mean exhausted by hard work.

Packer used this as his defense, which I guess is legitimate. However, Packer still should have the decency to apologize to whoever he may have offended. Most people were unaware of Packer's definition of "Fag out". Whether his intention was hateful or not, he should have the common sense and consideration to not use words that could offend people when he just as easily could have said "wuss out". Had he said something other than "fag out" he still could have gotten his point across and not offended anyone. I know that my blog can be offensive at times, but it is clearly a joke and everyone who reads this knows me personally. I make jokes and such here but I would never want to offend people and if I were to offend anyone, I would certainly apologize and try to be more sensitive about such things. With that said, here is a big portion of wikipedia's page on "fagging". If you can read this whole thing without the slightest chuckle then you are much more mature than I am and you probably shouldn't waste anymore of your time on this blog.
In British public schools, fagging was a system under which a junior boy performed certain duties for a senior, generally with the full approval of the authorities. The details of this custom vary slightly in different schools, but its purpose was generally the maintenance of discipline among the boys themselves.

Dr. Arnold of Rugby defined fagging as the power given by the supreme authorities of the school to the Sixth Form, to be exercised by them over younger boys. Older pupils, in a sense trustees, would take responsibility for the behaviour of younger boys, thus helping the staff to avoid anarchy. Fagging was a fully established system at Eton and Winchester in the 16th century, and is probably a good deal older.

During the 19th century, almost all British public schools adopted a fagging system.
The right to fag carries with it certain well-defined duties. The senior, called fag-master, also known as the protector of his fags, is responsible for their happiness and good conduct. In cases of bullying or injustice, their appeal is to him, not to the form-master, or house master, and, except in the gravest cases, all incidents are dealt with by the fag-master on his own responsibility and without report to the master.

The duties undertaken by fags, the time taken, and their general treatment, varied widely. Each school had its own tradition. Until circa 1900 a fag's duties included such humble tasks as blacking boots, brushing clothes and cooking breakfasts, and there was no limit as to hours. Almost all the fag's spare time could be so monopolized. Later, fagging was restricted to such light tasks as running errands, bringing tea to the masters' study and fagging at cricket or football.

The 1911 Britannica details an evolution of the role at Eton college. Roald Dahl relates in his autobiography being told, as a fag, to warm toilet seats for older boys. Stephen Fry describes a practice similar to fagging used as punishment.

Examples of fagging feature in Julian Mitchell's play Another Country, and Lindsay Anderson's film If (1968)

*The Erick Estrada pic above is the first picture I saw when I did a google image search for the word "fag". The other pic is a drawing of a "fag" in the Packer context. I may very well have broken some kind of record for using "fag" in a post for a non-homophobic blog.

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