Wednesday, April 25, 2007

R. Kelly Is Back In A Big Way

Hot Wings and Beer favorite, R. Kelly, has a new album coming out called "Double Up". Here is the cover and track listing:
1. Double Up
OK, nothing too sketchy about that one
2. Sticky Panties
Here we go. R.Kelly getting straight to the point with this song title. If I need to explain this one to you, please stop reading this blog and experience life.
3. I’m A Flirt
This is the first single. You can watch the ridiculous video after the track list.
4. Rock Star
Yes you are a rock star, Robert.
5. Pull Ya Hair
Let me guess, is he pulling a lady's hair while having sex? DING DING DING!
6. Blow It Up
Knowing The R., this could mean anything from having explosive sex to actually blowing something up in a song. I wouldn't put either one past him.
7. Good Sex
Pretty self explanatory.
8. Sweet Tooth
This must be about oral sex.
9. Leave Your Name
I'm guessing that this is a song about sexual voice mail messages. Vintage Kelly.
10. Freaky In The Club
Pretty simple, kind of a letdown.
11. Havin’ A Baby
I hope he talks about more than just conception. I would love to hear Kells talk about child rearing. I could also see this as a concept song where Kelly sings from the 1st person view of a sperm.
12. Real Talk
I'm guessing that this is his tough guy song.
13. Rollin
Car song.
14. The Champ
This song will probably be R. Kelly bragging and combining all the manfulness of the first 13 tracks into one braggadocios song.

I can't wait to hear this album. This guy is in the same class as Gary Busey and Mike Tyson on the crazy scale. You could report just about anything about R. Kelly and I would believe it. I could see him making songs on just about anything and this track list looks highly promising. I hope he does a song with black kids singing the chorus again like "I Wish". Not for me, but for my buddy Seth who likes any song that has black kids singing the chorus.

Here is the video for "I'm A Flirt".

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