Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Critical Life Decision

I'm almost 22 years old and about to complete my undergrad degree in Sociology. There isn't much I have to complain about. My parents work their asses off so that I can go to school and enjoy myself while I'm getting my education. I only have one real responsibility, to get my degree. I have the privilege of living relatively stress free and enjoy the city of San Francisco. However, there are times when I am forced to make big time life decisions.

This morning was one of those times. At about 7:15 AM, I walked out of my apartment so that I could make my way to my 7:45 AM Spanish class. It takes me about 7-10 minutes to get to class and about 10 minutes to get a lox bagel for breakfast from this one place I like. That gives me about 10-15 minutes to look for parking near campus. I was right on time, until I felt my stomach turn over. I had to take a shit. This wasn't one of those shits that I could delay for an hour or two. Something had to be done. This was a huge problem. I like to take my time on the toilet, at least 10 minutes. This meant that I had to choose between having 15-20 minutes to look for parking, eating breakfast, and taking this dump.

I had to take the dump, there was no other option but to park, then poop and go to class. I parked my car then jogged into the Education building and made it to the bathroom. I was close but I made it in time. I was very relieved, I even said "AAHHHH" out loud, like I just took a gulp of a cold beer on a hot day. However, I still hadn't had anything to eat. This is bad for me because I have class from 7:45 AM until 2:20 PM without any breaks. I would starve and possibly cry out loud in class due to hunger pains. I had to take the dump because sobbing from hunger pains is still less embarrassing than shitting myself in class. I got lucky when my Spanish class got out a half hour early, allowing me to go and get my bagel. I was confronted with adversity and I overcame. I made the right decisions and ended up winning in every way; no shitting my pants and no hunger pains. AWESOME. I am so ready for the real world once I graduate.

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