Monday, April 16, 2007

Not On This Day

I know that I am usually good for two or three posts on Mondays, but in light of the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech University today, I decided that I wasn't going to post anything today. I can't come up with anything funny to write when there are 30 plus kids just like me who have been killed for nothing. I can't even begin to imagine the horror that has swept that campus and the families of anyone who was harmed as a result of the shootings.

My heart goes out to the all the students at Virginia Tech and to the friends and families of the victims. I can't imagine what pushed the shooter to the point of killing over 30 people and injuring another twenty or so. Really makes you step back and look at things differently. I am blessed and thankful that I've never experienced something so awful. Well anyway, I'm going to end this post by sending my best wishes to Virginia Tech.

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