Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Welcome To My World

Here is an AIM conversation between me and one of my best friends. For those of you who don't know me personally, this conversation is a glimpse of the real me. The man behind the "Juice" persona of Hot Wings and Beer.
Juicemanji (10:28:02 PM): HEY DICKHOUSE
Juicemanji (10:28:13 PM): DICKSWAMP
Juicemanji (10:28:20 PM): DICKVALLEY
StrvnMrvnJ (10:30:21 PM): you fucking sloppy ass
StrvnMrvnJ (10:30:54 PM): whats up you herpes haven
StrvnMrvnJ (10:31:02 PM): that one was a stretch
Juicemanji (10:31:00 PM): nothing much
StrvnMrvnJ (10:32:04 PM): dickswamp, that is priceless kid
Juicemanji (10:31:36 PM): thanks
Juicemanji (10:31:57 PM): I like Dick valley too because it sounds like "Death Valley" only it's with dicks.
StrvnMrvnJ (10:33:21 PM): that's not a place you'd want to find yourself on a hot day
Juicemanji (10:33:30 PM): No sir.
StrvnMrvnJ (10:34:34 PM): dickswamp makes me think of swamp thing too - that guy is fucking grotesque
Juicemanji (10:34:31 PM): his dick must be the nastiest shit you'd ever see.
Juicemanji (10:34:44 PM): It's probably a giant leech or something
StrvnMrvnJ (10:35:18 PM): imagine what comes out of it
StrvnMrvnJ (10:35:23 PM): i am shuddering over here
Juicemanji (10:35:17 PM): toxic waste probably comes out of the swamp thing's dick
StrvnMrvnJ (10:36:34 PM): and nuclear bacteria
StrvnMrvnJ (10:36:47 PM): who knows what they put in those swamps
Juicemanji (10:36:25 PM): while were on the subject, I wonder what comes out of Grimace's dick
Juicemanji (10:36:52 PM): Grimace is the purple guy who kicks it with Ronald McDonald and The Hamburglar.
StrvnMrvnJ (10:38:45 PM): chicken nuggets i think
Juicemanji (10:38:55 PM): If his dick did shoot out chicken mcnuggets, would you blow Grimace?
Juicemanji (10:39:22 PM): You had to see that question coming.
StrvnMrvnJ (10:40:52 PM): haha
StrvnMrvnJ (10:41:13 PM): i set you up for that one well and good
Juicemanji (10:41:17 PM): I would do it just to see what Don Imus would call me. The McNuggets aren't a bad consolation prize either.
StrvnMrvnJ (10:42:24 PM): who is Don Imus?
Juicemanji (10:42:00 PM): You're fucking joking right?
Juicemanji (10:42:19 PM): Don Imus was the biggest story in the country all last week
StrvnMrvnJ (10:43:15 PM): ohhhh
StrvnMrvnJ (10:43:31 PM): who said the rutgers girls were bootsy?
Juicemanji (10:43:05 PM): yes, that guy.
StrvnMrvnJ (10:43:42 PM): haha
Juicemanji (10:43:21 PM): Bootsy, you went old school with that one.
StrvnMrvnJ (10:44:01 PM): i know
StrvnMrvnJ (10:44:09 PM): haha you know what i was reminded of the other day?
Juicemanji (10:43:41 PM): What?
StrvnMrvnJ (10:44:19 PM): remember back in high school calling ugly girls arby's?
StrvnMrvnJ (10:44:45 PM): pure class
Juicemanji (10:44:37 PM): It wasn't necessarily ugly girls. It was girls who got around. The idea was that their genitals looked like an Arby's roast beef sandwich
StrvnMrvnJ (10:45:48 PM): oh yeah
StrvnMrvnJ (10:45:51 PM): even better
Juicemanji (10:45:20 PM): I know
Juicemanji (10:47:23 PM): I gotta go kid, gonna watch "The Prestige" it's gonna be awesome. you know magic and shit
StrvnMrvnJ (10:48:28 PM): oh yeah
StrvnMrvnJ (10:48:32 PM): i finally saw 300 last night
StrvnMrvnJ (10:48:52 PM): dude i hope i dont dream about swampthing and shit
StrvnMrvnJ (10:48:56 PM): have fun with the movie

The best part about that is that the dude I'm talking to in this conversation is going to be this hardcore economic consultant (or something like that) in DC next year. He's fucking brilliant, yet this is what our conversation is reduced to. Oh and one other thing, don't instant message my friend's screen name because I changed it so don't bug the poor bastard who happens to have the fake screen name that I posted.

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