Monday, April 9, 2007

Bill Brasky, A Great Fictional Character

This is the first of a new recurring post on this blog. I will be posting on great fictional characters whenever I get the itch. This is not necessarily a weekly thing. The inaugural post is all about Bill Brasky. Bill Brasky is the subject of a great series of Saturday Night Live sketches that you can check out below.
SNL - Bill Brasky at the Airport

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Bill Brasky

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Bill Brasky funeral

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Bill Brasky

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Bill Brasky would be the greatest man ever if he actually existed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great new posts - we do brasky skits all the favorite: bill brasky and i were in a tight poker game once. i put him all in, and he decided to raise the stakes and ended up betting me that if i won, he would give me a small south american country. sure enough, i had a flush to his two pair, and i won the hand. he left in a huff, and i didnt think much of the bet. but the next morning i turn on the tv to cspan, and there's old brasky standing on a mountain of skulls yelling "nice hand, sir" pure gold