Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dos Equis (XX) Has The Right Idea

Dos Equis Beer, you know the Mexican one with the two "X" label, has a new ad campaign and it kicks ass. Fuck that's a good commercial. I want to be like that guy. Man that shit was cool. I am seriously going to the store and buying a 12-pack of Dos Equis as soon as I publish this post. I can taste it already, man that is some good marketing. Good marketing strategies get my dick hard. Awww fuck, now I'm horny and thirsty for beer. I'm in a jam, gotta figure this out. I'll get back to you guys on this one.


Anonymous said...

that commercial even makes ME wanna be that guy.

Anonymous said...

julien...we were watching the dodger game i believe and this commercial came on and we wacthed it on tivo about 10 times in a row and recorded it and bought XX. I'm glad you liked this one too..."i dont drink beer that often but if i did have a beer id make it a dos equis" haha or something like that