Wednesday, April 4, 2007

NEWSFLASH: Bill O'Reilly Is Still A Cock Sucker

A couple days ago I did a post regarding H.W. and B (Hot Wings and Beer for future reference) favorite, Snoop Dogg and his comments about Bill O'Reilly on Dutch TV. Snoop said "Fuck Bill O'Reilly" among other things. Well Bill has fired back and in this clip he reminds us all of why he's such a douche.
Wow that guy is a dick. I have a lot of shit to say about that guy and his sad quest to destroy Rap music, but this blog is for making fun of people, sports, and shlong jokes so I'll just save my thoughts for another time.


SEAN P said...

sorry, i think bill o'reilly is hillarious. Calling snoop dogg "snoopy" and the comment about getting his ass kicked by the pool boy. come on thats funny. you gotta remember that bill o'reilly says shit so people won't like him. his show would suck if he didn't.

TheoHuxtable said...

if i could choose one person to be erased from existance it would be bill o'reilly. That guy is so fuckin annoying i cant believe it. It used to be jared from subway cus he got way too fuckin preachy. Fuck i hate bill o'reilly.