Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Falling Down "85 cents" clip

As you know know by now, the movie of the week is "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas. Here is Wikipedia's summary of what this movie is about:

"Falling Down is a 1993 film by Joel Schumacher about the character William 'Bill' Foster (played by Michael Douglas) also known as 'D-FENS' (named for his license plate), an unemployed American missile engineer with a considerable life insurance policy, making an attempt to 'go home' for his daughter's birthday after leaving his car in traffic on the hottest day of the year. As he passes through the city of Los Angeles, California on foot he finds himself alienated, disgusted and angered by what he experiences as he is accosted, overcharged and rejected. He becomes a vigilante as he gradually begins to accumulate weaponry and starts to force people out of his way."

Fuckin badass huh? I love this movie because me and Bill Foster are pretty much the same person, both unemployed, hard, from L.A. and allergic to bullshit. Only difference is that he's white, older than me, has a kid and he doesn't exist. I, however, am the real shit. Well here is the clip of the first encounter that sets off Bill's mean-streak and where he picks up his first weapon. Check it:

"My rights as a consumer!" Hardcore. That Korean dude had it coming for being such a dickhead. I was charged 85 cents for a grape soda at the cornerstore and I only had 70 cents on me. This is how the conversation went between me and the clerk.

Me: How much for this fucking grape soda?
Clerk: 85 cent.
Me: Well I'm just gonna give you seventy cents. You'll still make a profit, don't sweat it chief.
Clerk: No, 85 cents.
Me: No, no, that's just not gonna work out. (While holding up my closed fist) You see this shit? Huh? Well this will do more than 15 cents worth of damage to your fucking skull if you don't sell me this soda for 70 cents
Clerk: I'm gonna call the cops!
Me: Fuck you! Calling the law is gonna waste a hell of a lot more than 15 cents in taxpayers dollars. You're fucking with my rights as a consumer!
Clerk: Well, I guess you have a point there. OK, 70 cents.

That was it. I only use violence as a last resort. I prefer talking things out like I did with that clerk.

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