Monday, February 19, 2007

Man of The Week: Tom Brady's Unborn Child

This week's honoree is Tom Brady's unborn baby. For those of you who haven't heard the news, Tom Brady knocked up his ex-girlfriend, Bridget Moynahan. Moynahan is three months pregnant and Dreamboat (Tom Brady) is the father. This is gonna be awkward for Dreamboat because he's now with Brazilian model Giselle Bundchen. He'll get over it, I'm sure. This kid is gonna be a badass. He's already got groupies and he hasn't even been born yet. I know that you should have to do something badass to win "Man of The Week" honors, but I'm just accepting the inevitable. You gotta figure that this strapping little fetus will grow up to win a Super Bowl sometime between the years 2030 and 2040. By that time he will be well on his way to threatening Wilt Chamberlain's record of a bazillion sexual partners. Hats off to you little man. Since you don't have a name yet, I'll call you Rex Brady until your Dad gives you a handsome name of your own. I obviously got that name from another virile NFL QB. Take care Rex Brady.

Note: I realize that we have no way of knowing whether this baby will be male or female. So if it ends up being a girl, just disregard everything I just wrote and comedian, Tae Kwon Do champ, and "Fear Factor" host Joe Rogan will go in the books as this week's winner.

*I must credit the totally awesome blog for coming up with the "Dreamboat" name for Tom Brady. For all I know, that dude didn't make it up, but I got it from him. Don't wanna be a thief like Carlos Mencia.

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