Friday, February 16, 2007

Falling Down, The Last 4 Clips

Now that I've dedicated 3 posts this week to our movie of the week, "Falling Down", I am just gonna post the last 4 clips that I was planning on showing in this one mega-post. This first clip shows Bill Foster on the phone with his ex-wife after the gang members tried to jack him for his briefcase. Now the gang bangers are looking for revenge...

How ridiculous was that shit. They shot up just about everyone in East L.A. except Michael Douglas. That music was fucking intense too. At this point, you know L.A. is fucked because now Bill Foster has more than just a shitty baseball bat and butterfly knife. He's packing some serious heat. In the next clip, Bill tries to get some breakfast at some McDonald's-like fast food joint.

I'm sure that the Rap music playing outside the restaurant got him in a shitty mood to begin with. Bill Foster doesn't look like much of a Rap man. You know what the most unrealistic detail in that scene was? It was the fact that this fast food place is in the middle of L.A. and everyone that worked there was white. That shit is unlikely. The second most unrealistic part would have to be that he pulled out a MAC-10 in a fast food restaurant and nothing happened to him. If this was a Fatburger in L.A. there would most likely be a real G in there that would have clapped Bill Foster. In the next clip, Bill goes to an army surplus store to buy some boots.

You know something is up when the store owner goes all Tim Hardaway on the gay couple in the store. You're probably wondering why Bill Foster had a snow globe in his bag of guns. Well Bill bought the snow globe for his daughter's birthday. That Nazi fucked up big time when he called the snow globe "Faggot Shit" and broke it to bits. After he kicked the Nazi's ass, he changes into some fatigues and continues to make his way home. This is the last clip I'm gonna show because the rest of the movie is lame and not funny like everything else I showed.

How silly is this damn movie? That old guy is bat-shit crazy. What he doesn't know is that Bill Foster has no respect for country club patrons. Well that just about wraps it up on this weeks movie. BIG UP!

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