Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Movie of The Week: "Falling Down"

Get ready to be pumped. The first movie of the week is "Falling Down", starring pimpin' Michael Douglas. "Falling Down" is about this mild-mannered dude (Mike Douglas) who is recently divorced and just got fired on his daughter's birthday, so you know he's pissed. So he gets in his car to go see his daughter and he gets stuck in shitty L.A. traffic on the hottest day of the year.

This is where shit gets awesome, he just gets out of his car and leaves it there in traffic and starts walking home. He just walks around and everywhere he goes, some dipshit pisses him off. He's an honorable man who has had enough bullshit and he starts to regulate on people. Here's a commercial for the movie.

This movie is kickass. To prove it, I will be posting clips of it throughout the week and you'll see the awesomeness shine through the debilitating fog of douchebaggery that is killing this country.

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