Wednesday, February 21, 2007


YESSSS. I did it. I fucking did it. I drove the bitch crazy. I can't believe she cut her hair off. What was she thinking? If she thinks that she'll win custody of the kids by doing this shit, well she's got another thing coming. For real though, I can't wait for the judge to give me the custody of Sean Preston and uhhh...the other one, fuck I forgot his name. Gimme a break, I've only seen him like twice since he was born, I barely know the guy. This is not going to go over well with the judge. OK, I'm gonna just look this up on wikipedia. Alright, it says here that his name is Jayden. Yeah that sounds right, that's it. Jayden.

I know I'm gonna be a good pops, I'm sure of it. I'll be a better parent than Britney is, that's for damn sure. Do I really want the kids because I want to hang out with them? Not really. I want the kids for one reason and one reason only. Two words bitch, child support. I'm gonna collect so much money in child support, that shit is gonna be great. I can't wait to use that money to re-release my album. I know that it didn't sell well, but it's all about timing. I'm sure that if I drop the album this summer with a couple of bonus tracks that weren't on the last joint, I'll go platinum. No doubt.

I know that I have to have a better pitch when I'm up against Britney in court. No problem. That shit is a layup. I'll just keep bringing up the fact that she's psycho. Sure I'm unemployed and hated-on worldwide, but that still beats that crazy bald bitch. Who Wins? K-Fed wins, I'm out haters.

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