Saturday, February 17, 2007

HW and B EXCLUSIVE! An Interview With Tim Hardaway

Alright guys, this was an awesome experience and a first for Hot Wings and Beer. I got an interview with the man of the hour, Tim Hardaway. What you're about to read is hard-hitting journalism at its finest.

ME: Mr. Hardaway, thank you very much for doing this interview. I'm sure this is a tough time for you with all of the negative press.

TH: Uhh, well you know I hate Gay people, so I let it be known.

ME: Yeah, that's what you told Dan LeBatard. The whole sports world knows that you hate gay people. With that said, I must ask why?

TH: Uhh, well you know it's a lot of reasons man. But do you know that movie "Revenge of The Nerds"?

ME: Of course I do.

TH: Well one of the nerds in that movie is black. He's the only brother in the whole movie and they made him gay. He embarrassed me as a black man.

ME: Well Tim, you have to realize that this movie was pre-Steve Urkel, so the idea of a black nerd was foreign to most Americans. I guess they figured that a black guy had to be gay to roll with a bunch of white nerds.

TH: That's a good point.

ME: Do you still hate gay people?

TH: Uhh, yeah I'm still homophobic.

ME: Jesus Christ...

TH: He hated gay people too!

ME: OK, lets just move on. You aren't gonna change your stance on the whole gay thing and the best reason you gave me was "Revenge of The Nerds". You're a former NBA point guard so lets talk basketball. How did you feel about the new ball that was used during the first few months of the season?

TH: I hated it.

ME: A lot of the players shared that sentiment. Why did you and all of the players hate the new ball so much? A lot of guys complained about the bounce, your thoughts?

TH: Because the new composite ball is gay, so I hate it.

ME: Are you fucking retarded?

TH: Lemme answer that question with one of my own. How much do you weigh?

ME: Uhh, about 215.

TH: MMM, yeah okay. Where'd you get them pants? You look good in them pants.

ME: What the fuck? I dunno, they were a gift.

TH: I'm hungry, you wanna go get something to eat? My treat.

ME: No thanks Tim, I think I'll pass. Well that concludes our interview. Thanks for your time Tim.

TH: Hey, no problem man. You sure you don't wanna come over to my house?

ME: I'm outta here.

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