Saturday, February 3, 2007

One More Year of Manliness, Brett Favre.

If you haven't heard yet, Favre is coming back for the '07 season. I know that he is far from the player he once was, but he's still hard. Sure, he makes some pretty poor decisions with the football, but that's where it ends. He's made nothing but good decisions off the field. He's a man's man. You don't believe me when I say that Favre makes great decisions? Look at how he spends his free time:

Fucking awesome huh? Did you see those crawfish that he and his buddies ate? That shit looked so good. Did you see him throw the ball over that lake? Man, he chopped that wood so easy, bad ass. Did you see his wife? I thought they had to cut off her boobs because of cancer? Anyway, if you think Favre should retire, then fuck you. That man can still do it. Favre can play forever if he wants, he'll always be better than Aaron Rodgers' sorry ass. I am excited for one more year of Mandom from Favre.

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