Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm back, Motherfucker[s]!

OK, I'm back. I put the "s" in brackets because I think I only have one reader (my Brother), so I didn't want to get all ahead of myself and think that I actually have readers. I haven't been posting much lately because no readers+beer+weekend= fuck posting. I'm gonna start posting more than I did last week. I'll probably do like three more posts today because I'm taking the day off from class, so get ready for the pain. One more thing, I know that you guys don't leave comments because you don't have accounts or you just don't want to. Well if you wanna leave a comment, do it on my facebook profile. If any of you reading this aren't friends with me on facebook, then you just have to suck it up and get a fucking account. It takes 2 minutes. Alright, lets get this week going.

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